The performance tells a colorful story about Zmey Draconych, a bogatyr (epic hero) and a beautiful tsarevna (princess). The familiar character of Zmey Gorynych appears to the audience in a completely new image of Draconych. Throughout the show, the actor controls the movements of the character on the big screen using machine vision technology. It does not use sensors with tags and allows the audience to determine the facial expressions of the character. This provides for the simulation of the image of the animated character on the screen in real-time and reaction to the replicas of children from the audience, changing the details of the plot in the course of the action.
Watch the teaser
An educational performance for children, in which their participation affects the further development of events
The method of animation of characters and objects, which has become essential for "Draconych", is used in the production of cartoons and the creation of special cinema effects. During the show, the actor controls the movements of the character on the big screen like a doll. Since three heads with different tempers played by one actor appear during the performance, the show uses voice modulation technology.
The whole performance is aimed at completely immersing the audience in a fairy tale. The post-show uses interactive technology, due to which each performance is unique in its own way since the scenario changes depending on the reaction of the audience. The guests fulfill tasks and guess the riddles of the Draconych. Depending on the answers, the plot changes — the show looks different every time.
The team
3D animation
FaceWare Live
Sergey Ilyin
Nikita Fomin
Sergey Zhukov
Executive producer
Lilia Sharova
Lyudmila Polunina
Vladimir Taubkin
Animation director
Boris Polyak
Technical support
Anatoly Sharov
Violetta Khomyakova
Vladislav Alexandrov
Elisey Rodionov
Technical support
Alexander Chubenko
Technical support
Alexander Nigmatullin
Technical support