A ridiculous accident creates so many problems for the main character that to solve them he will have to find a treasure, take part in a fight for the championship title, solve a family secret, engage in a fight with the mafia, save friends, and punish enemies.
Watch the teaser
An adventurous animated 3D comedy
The heroes of the film are animals only in appearance (Goat, Wild Boar, Rabbit, Wolves, etc.). They all represent completely "human" characters that can be found in the real world around us.

The main character is Goat. He is nimble, cheerful, adventurous, and loves to play with friends and laugh at enemies. He and his friends have to stand up to Wolves, who are members of the mafia controlling the city.

All the characters live a "human" life, enjoy the modern benefits of civilization, and have quite "human" emotions.

The world surrounding the heroes is a typical provincial with signs of modern civilization (cars, computers, supermarkets, banks, offices).
All the above along with the events unfolding according to the plot will create a realistic picture of "human" life. After a few minutes of watching, the audience will forget that the characters of the film are animals but will empathize with them as if they are modern people.

At the same time, the film is full of magic and fabulousness, an effect achieved both by the extraordinary physical abilities of the characters, the rhythm of the film, and numerous special effects.

The film should be very dynamic with many fun stunts (chases, flights, falls, disguises, etc.) that modern animation allows.
The film will also make the most of stereoscopy. For this purpose, the city is built in a hilly area providing for the creation of scenes with greater depth and spectacular vertical angles, while specially designed stereo effects will enhance the drama of the scenes.

The principal novelty in the film will be the involvement of the audience in the events taking place (creating the effect of interactivity) by transferring part of the action of the film to the auditorium.

In chase scenes, the camera can play the role of a participant through which the audience observes the situation. The camera will make sudden movements and stops to create the illusion of the viewer’s personal presence in the space of unfolding events.
At the same time, slow and smooth panoramas will be used in the film to ensure the comfort of perception of the stereoscopic world and allow the audience to enjoy beautiful angles. Animation of scenes is built in such a way to keep the audience’s focus in the center of the frame to minimize the limiting effect of the edges of the screen and achieve greater immersion of the audience into the virtual world.

The musical and color scheme of the film should highlight the uncommon fabulousness of this adventurous comedy played out by unusual (fairy-tale) characters in such a recognizable "human" world.
The team
3D animation
Vladimir Taubkin
Alexander Sabatovsky
Sergey Sabatovsky